目 录
I. Forewords 3
一、前言 3
1.1 Our company has been accredited for: 3
1.1我司已经获得了: 3
1.2 Compilation basis 3
1.2编制依据 3
II. Quality management system 3
二、质量管理体系 3
2.1 Overview 3
2.1概述 3
2.2 Organizational structure of project manager department 3
2.2项目经理部组织机构 3
2.3 Company quality policy to be implemented by the project 4
2.3项目贯彻公司的质量方针: 4
2.4 Quality goal of the project 4
2.4项目质量目标 4
2.5 Constituents of the quality system 5
2.5质量体系要素 5
2.6 Quality control and management 8
2.6 质量控制管理 8
2.7 Contract assessment: 11
2.7合同评审: 11
2.8 Documentation and information management 12
2.8 文件和资料管理 12
2.9 Procurement management 13
2.9物资采购管理 13
2.10 Product identification and traceability 13
2.10产品标识和可追溯性: 13
2.11 Process control: (planning in advance and guided by model) 14
2.11过程控制:(方案先行、样板引路) 14
2.12 Inspection and experiment 16
2.12检验与试验 16
2.13 Management of inspection, measurement and testing equipment 17
2.13检验、测量和试验设备的管理: 17
2.14 Control of nonconforming materials: 17
2.14不合格材料的控制: 17
2.15 Corrective and preventive measures 18
2.15纠正和预防措施: 18
2.16 Handling, storage, packaging, protection and delivery 18
2.16搬运、储存、包装、防护及交付 18
2.17 Protection of finished products 18
2.17成品保护 18
2.18 Quality records 18
2.18质量记录: 18
2.19 Quality system audit: 18
2.19质量体系审核: 18
2.20 Training 18
2.20培训: 18
2.21 Customer satisfaction 18
2.21顾客满意 18
2.22 Services 18
2.22服务 18
2.23 Management of quality plan 18
2.23《质量策划书》的管理: 18