2号生产厂房占地面积为14635.64㎡,建筑面积为15311.15㎡。其中机舱生产区和叶片生产区为钢结构,屋面为轻钢压型钢板屋面,虹吸式排水,外排水,层高13.5 m,占地面积为12669㎡,建筑面积为12669㎡,柱网尺寸为(6m×61)×(8m×4),机舱生产区檐口高度14 m,叶片生产区檐口高度14 m。
2# production building has an area of 14635.64m2 and
construction area of 15311.15m2. Its nacelle production area and blade production
area comprise steel structure and their roof use light steel profiled sheet roofs with
external siphon drainage, including 13.5m roof height, 12669m2
roof area, 12669m2 construction area and (6mx61)x(8mx4) net post size,
as well as 14m cornice height in both nacelle and blade production areas.
Guardhouses 1 and 2 comprise single-storey structure with concrete frame and
belong to civil architecture. Their roofs use concrete waterproofing prepared roll
-roofing with 2% slope. The buildings contain 3.0m floor height, 3.3m building
height, floor area 76.45m2, construction area 89.65m2 and (4.8m+3.6m+4.8m)
x4.8m net post size.
5.3.1 施工测量方案 Construction Survey Plan
5.3.2 建立固定的观测路线 Establishment of Fixed Observing Route
5.3.3 沉降观测 Settlement Observation 46
5.3.4 测量复核 Review Check of Measurement
5.4 基础及主体工程 Foundation and Main Work
5.4.1 施工准备 Construction Preparation
5.4.2 桩基础施工 Pile Foundation Construction
5.4.3 土方开挖工程 Earth Excavation Work
5.4.4 桩头连接施工 Pile Head Splicing Construction
5.4.5 钢筋工程 Reinforcement Work
5.4.6 模板工程 Formwork 5.4.7 混凝土工程 Concrete Work
5.4.8 后浇带的施工 Post-concreting area construction
5.5 外脚手架工程 External scaffolding work
5.5.1 外脚手架的选择 Option of external scaffolding
5.5.2 脚手架搭设施工 Erection of scaffolding
5.5.3 注意事项 Points for Attention
5.6 钢结构工程 Steel Structure Engineering
5.6.1 钢构工程概况 Overview of Steel Structure Engineering
5.6.2 本钢构工程特点 Features of the Steel Structure Engineering
5.6.3 施工方法与技术措施Construction Methods and Technical Measures
5.7 安装工程Installation Project 118
5.7.1 通风及空调安装工程 Ventilation and Air Conditioner Installation Project
5.7.2 给水排水工程Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering
5.7.3 消防工程Fire Engineering
5.7.4 电气工程Electric Engineering
5.7.5 通信工程 Communication Engineering
5.8 装饰工程 Decoration Engineering
5.8.1 装饰工程施工程序 Construction procedure for decoration engineering
5.8.2 屋面工程 Roof Engineering
5.8.3 抹灰工程 Plastering Engineering
5.8.4 吊顶工程Suspended Ceiling Engineering
5.8.5 墙面、顶棚乳胶漆饰面Emulsion Varnish Surface of Wall and Ceiling
5.8.6 激光整平机施工厂房地坪Factory Terrace Construction by means of Laser Levelling Machine 233
5.9 室外绿化及道路工程 Outdoor afforestation and civil engineer
5.9.1 绿化工程概况 Introduction to afforestation project