荐购平台上 找找吧 如果你们学院图书馆有开设读者购买决策平台的话 你可回以找到图书馆现在答没有的资源 并且可以在线阅读 能不能下载就不知道了 如果学校有平台的话 或许会帮你付费 如果没有 你可能需要付费购买资源了!
Jiujiang University is a comprehensive public university authorized by the Chinese Ministry of Ecation, enrolling students from 30 provinces of China with many different backgrounds. Its history can be traced back to 1901 when it existed as Danforth Hospital Nursing School .
Jiujiang University is located in Jiujiang City , Jiangxi Province of the People's Republic of China . Its advantageous location with profound history and culture provides Jiujiang University with a rich cultural and academic atmosphere.
The total area of Jiujiang University Library (JJUL) is 47,100 square meters, including the Main Library and two branches of Xundong and Lufeng. At present there are 9,316 seats at 18 reading rooms. The library collects 2,459,000 volumes of printed books and 1,677,000 volumes of e-books, purchasing 2,000 kinds of printed periodicals (both Chinese and foreign languages) each year, and owing 15 electronic databases. JJUL has formed Document Resource Secure System covering Science, Technology, Economics, Management, Literature and Languages, Law, Medicine, Ecation, Agronomy and other various fields.
Jiujiang University attaches great importance to the library's modernization construction with high-quality construction high-standard facilities. In recent years, JJUL has introced IBM NAS225 disk array server and IBM Total Storage FAStT700 storage server with the total storage capability of 38TB. The core server system with IBM X366 can provide service for 462 readers' computers, 77 working computers and the network of the whole campus.
JJUL aims to be a high-quality university library with rich volumes, good service and advanced technology. “People oriented”, “Readers first, services best” has always been the purpose of the library staffs from the very beginning. So the library takes various measures to offer great service for the readers. All the volumes are harmonized unitively. The readers can borrow and return books within three libraries, searching the printed books and e-books together with the OPAC system. JJUL provides allround multifunctional service such as lending, reading, information reference, document delivery, selective dissemination of information , reference & information , readers training, document copy and so on. The circulating department opens 7 days a week, main reading rooms such as Periodicals Reading Room and Professional Books Reading Room open 12 hours a day, Study Hall opens 12 hours a day (16 hours a day in “Test Month”) , the electronic resources open 24 hours. JJUL provides powerful information guarantee for discipline construction, personnel training and science research.
We welcome all the teachers and students to our library with the gentle reading environment, dense culture atmosphere, rich literature and information resource and favorable service.
At present, the library consists of library office, interview and cataloging department, circulating department, reading department, automatic technology department, information reference department, Xundong branch and Lufeng branch.
CNKI数据库 维普期刊库
超星数自字图书 读秀知识库
万方数据库 方正数字图书
SpringerLink 本科教学参考书
银符考试系统 国研网数据库
不会用 请百度……
图书馆现设主馆、浔东分馆、庐峰分馆、逸夫分馆、八里湖分馆,馆舍总面积5.5万平方米。目前,馆藏有纸质图书 290余万册,电子图书 180余万种;订购电子文献资源数据库40个,其中,中文电子期刊有CNKI数据库、维普科技期刊库、万方数据系统等,中文电子图书有超星数字图书、中国数字图书、方正数字图书、本科教学参考书等,外文电子期刊有SpringerLink数据库、中国教育图书进出口公司开放获取外文期刊,外文电子图书有美星外文数字图书馆、Wisebook电子图书等;年订购纸质期刊约1400种、报纸约100种,分布于主馆、浔东分馆、庐峰分馆、八里湖分馆;另有部分外文纸质期刊。基本形成了覆盖经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、农学、医学、管理学等多学科的文献资源保障体系。为方便读者使用:主馆为综合性藏书,逸夫分馆主要收藏理工科图书和过刊过报,浔东分馆以生物科学、医学类图书为主兼顾各类通识图书文献,庐峰分馆以临床医学为主兼顾各类通识图书文献,八里湖分馆以政治、法律、体育学科为主兼顾各类通识图书文献。开展外借、阅览、参考咨询、文献传递、论文检测、馆际互借、定题服务、课题查新、读者教育、文献复制、多层次服务,为教学和科研服务提供了有力的保障。在满足本校读者需求的前提下,图书馆面向校外读者开放,可以更大程度地实现资源的社会共享。图书馆以优雅的读书环境、浓厚的文化氛围、丰富的文献信息资源、良好的服务手段,热忱欢迎你们——全校师生!